Saturday, 19 October 2013

Welcome to Write Online to Make Money

This is a small blog designed to share with you how
I make money online using free resources.
HubPagesHubPages I cannot and will not claim to know the secret to any get rich quick schemes- I can't even guarantee that the advice I give you will give you a full time modest income but I can promise you this- If you have a passion for writing, you are half decent at it and willing to put in some work you CAN make yourself a regular amount of largely passive income by writing online. How much you earn depends on many factors but I would say the main factor is how hard you are able and willing to work.

How I write Online to Make Money

I gave up my regular job as a teacher when I had my third child. It soon became clear that the humble wage of a classroom teacher would not cover the costs of putting three children into full time childcare. So that was that I left my job to stay at home and be a full time mum. I looked into online writing for two reasons:

  1. To occupy my mind and find "something for me" 
  2. To maybe earn a bit of spending money
We are in a fortunate situation that I don't need to earn money to survive but if I can earn money then all the better as it affords me more freedom to do what I want, buy I want and it is nice to not be completely financially dependent on someone else.

The first place I began writing was Hubpages. I can't even remember how I found it but I did and I have never looked back. I love the layout and feel of Hubpages- it looks professional, it is easy to navigate and my writing gets regular hits there.

My second online writing was through the free website builder and hosting service Weebly. Again I really like working with Weebly- it is so easy to use and the finished result looks good. I have a website with Weebly that I update about 4 times a week and all the time I am learning new tricks to make my site look more professional.

The next place I experimented with was here on blogger. I have tried out various blogs but this is the only one I still run. Over the last two years I have learnt lots about using blogger and I think it is a great place for a beginner to start a blog. It is so easy to use- you can add loads of features and make your blog look very professional. I tried Wordpress and I couldn't get my head round it- I think Wordpress blogs look great but it was a bit too advanced for me. 

The next place I began writing for was Bubblews. This is a great site for writers of any kind and the rate at which you earn is quite fast. The good thing about Bubblews is posts only have to be 400 characters long meaning you can knock quite a lot of posts out at once.

How Much Money Do I Make Writing Online?

This is probably what you all want to know- so bearing in mind that I currently write in four separate areas- 1 blog, 1 website and 2 revenue sharing websites I make about $125 per month. I'm in the UK but I get paid mainly in dollars. The revenue sharing websites make me the most money at the moment but eventually if I keep going with my blog and website I hope they might one day make more. We shall see. 

If you would like to make a bit of extra money in your spare time, or if you would like to make a serious income from writing online follow my guide here.

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